Entries tagged with ‘Freshman’

Words of Wisdom: Gustie Lingo Edition

CAB- Campus Activities Board, is the student-run organizers of many exciting activities at Gustavus, including Homecoming, concerts (big and small), guest speakers, and the weekly campus movie. CF- Collegiate Fellow, a built-in mentor and friend who live in the residence halls, supervise activities, and resolve conflicts between students. Similar to what other schools call “R.A.s” […]

Tuesday Trivia: Answered!

Do you know what year the first square dance for Orientation was held? C.1972

Blast from the Past

Your family’s vehicle just turned off Highway 169 onto College Avenue for the trek up the hill. You’re nervous. Your hands are clammy. Your dad keeps reminiscing on mildly embarrassing stories of your childhood, that you are praying he doesn’t say out load when your new roommate is around. Your mother is running over the […]

Sunday Funday Gustie Thoughts

Tell us what you think by posting your comments below. Remember to write in your class year!   What was your first class at Gustavus? If you can’t remember, what was one of your first classes that first year? (Remember to include the name of the professor and year!)