‘Sunday’ CategoryPage 5

Sunday-Funday Gustie Thoughts

Please share your thoughts below! What was the toughest final exam/paper you ever took/wrote? (Be sure to include the course and year in your answer!)

Sunday-Funday Gustie Thoughts

Please share your comments below! Please include your class year!   What was your favorite study break during finals? What was your study ritual?  

Sunday-Funday Gustie Thoughts

We want to hear your thoughts on being a Gustie! Share them with us below! No matter your faith tradition, how did your time at Gustavus shaped your faith? Who helped you along your spiritual journey?

Sunday-Funday Gustie Thoughts

We want to hear what you think! Join the conversation below! What is a phrase/statement/quotation that best describes being a Gustie or being at Gustavus?

Sunday-Funday Gustie Thoughts

We want your thoughts! Share them below! Why should Gusties be thankful this Thanksgiving?

Sunday-Funday Gustie Thoughts

Feel free to comment on the question below! Please include your name, graduation year, and answer! Where is the craziest place you have run into another Gustie since graduation?

Sunday-Funday Gustie Thoughts

Feel free to post your name, graduation year, and comment below!   What was the most exciting athletic event you witnessed at Gustavus?

Sunday-Funday Gustie Thoughts

Please answer the question below… remember, add your class year and encourage your Gustie Classmates to answer! Did you ever paint the “rock”? For what event? What did it say? What did you paint over?

Sunday-Funday Gustie Thoughts

Share your thoughts in the comment box below! Be sure to tag your class year!   What experiences did you encounter (challenging or positive) that you did not expect while you were a student at Gustavus?

Sunday-Funday Gustie Thoughts

Share your thoughts below! What is a valuable and lasting lesson that you learned while at Gustavus?