Factoid Friday! Posted on March 30th, 2012 by

Boarding Club Students in the early 1900s at the "House of Seven Gables" on what is now on the corner of Washington and College Avenues

Being a residential college, a majority of students always lived on-campus, but when beds are full, it is a time-honored tradition for students to be allowed to seek living space in the town of St. Peter.  Between the Boarding Clubs of the early 20th century, to the off-campus residences today, students have been welcomed into the St. Peter community. The naming of a house is truly a Gustie tradition and is very special.  Each generation of Gusties has had a few house names, such as: Seven Gables, Our House and Truck (OH&T), The Clinic, The Zoo, The Bakery, Little Pine, The Barn, and Nassau. Where did you live?


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